Sunday, 1 April 2012

Monkey Tips - Boxes Caveats Part 2

This is a continuation from Part 1 of my discussion of primitive type boxing in Monkey. In this part I'll get into issues that primarily concern expectations if you're coming from Java or a language that handles auto-boxing in a manner similar to Java.

We're Not Writing Java Any More, Toto

One thing to be aware of is that Monkey's base box classes are not as integrated into the language as Java's implementation. In Java, the compiler will perform boxing in situations where Monkey will not. If I have a Java method that takes an Object reference:

public void add( Object value ){...}

Then Java allows me to call it with a boxable primitive value: add(10) or add(true), and the compiler will automatically box to an Integer object or a Boolean object respectively. Monkey won't do this. However, if, in Monkey, you declare a method that takes a box object reference:

Method Add:Void( value:IntObject )

Then you can call it with primitive values that are boxable by that type: Add(10).

Hey Toto, Is a Scuba Diver a Mammal or a Fish?

This one is more of a gotcha on a design level than usage. Let's say I have a generic container class that can store primitives or Object references and offers an overloaded Add method to do this:

Class MyContainer
    Method Add:Void( value:Int )
    Method Add:Void( value:Float )
    Method Add:Void( value:String )
    Method Add:Void( value:Bool )
    Method Add:Void( value:Object )

Now this works fine, until you try to store an object that implements an unboxing method. If you do that, you get an error: "Unable to determine overload to use". As far as Monkey is concerned the thing you are passing can be an Object or it can be one of the primitives. In order to successfully store the box object you have to explicitly cast the reference: myContainer.Add( Object(myBox) ).

This might seem fair enough but it is somewhat odds with how things work in other OO languages. In Java, the rules are that if a match can be made without boxing or unboxing then that match is used and in this case the boxed object is a descendant of Object, so that's a clear match.

There's No Place Like Home?

Why doesn't Monkey do the same? Well, when I raised this problem on the Monkey forums the term "exact match" was used, implying that the box class isn't an exact match for an Object so the overload can't be resolved. I'd argue that this is inconsistent with basic OO concepts. In OO, descendants have to be substitutable for their parent classes. In other words you have to be able to use a descendant class anywhere you can use the base class and so they are matches by definition. Requiring that you cast a reference to be an Object reference is a nonsense as all references must be Object references (because that's the root object type and everything descends from it).

I'd also argue that this behaviour is inconsistent with Monkey's own behaviour elsewhere. The "=" comparison mentioned in the first boxing post is an example of this. In that case our box objects could arguably be considered to match a primitive or an Object reference but Monkey clearly chooses to prefer to compare them as Objects, which makes sense because that's actually what they are.

Needless to say I'm not a fan of this language design choice. It may be that the majority of Monkey programmers will never come across the issue, or maybe they won't see it as a problem if they do, but it has certainly caused me some headaches. It forced me to avoid using an overloaded primitive/Object API for my JSON library with the result that the API is not as clean and consistent as I'd like. No, it's not insurmountable, but it's the kind of rough edge that can turn developers off a language. Being different is fine, but being arbitrarily different in ways that don't seem very helpful isn't.

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