Monday, 21 May 2012

Tetris In... How Long?

Yes, I know I write very long blog posts. Feel free to skim. There's a playable thingy linked below!

The Preamble

I've been following Andy Moore's blogging, vlogging, podcasting and social networking output for a fair while. Andy is the dev behind Steambirds and has recently started iOS dev with Iceburgers. He's often got interesting things to say about his life as an indie, information about the business aspects, technical tips for AS3 coders and he's also involved in a lot of face-to-face social stuff (I'm neither an AS3 coder or social but it's fun to hear about them from a safe distance). As far as I can tell, he's an all-round decent chap.

But I'm not liable if he kills you and wears your skin as pyjamas.
However, one thing he's mentioned a few times in the past has always left me kind of perplexed: doing game-jams on very short timescales. I'm not part of the game-jam scene. I've started a few 48-hour jams in the past and sort of finished one of them. I normally take a look at the Ludum Dare theme to see if I'm inspired but I haven't yet been inspired enough to spend a weekend in crunch. I can at least see that you can create a complete game in 48 hours though. Andy talks about writing a game in five minutes.

My thoughts? In a word: "bollocks". I didn't think he was lying -- he strikes me as a very honest person. I just had to assume that there was some glossing over of the reality of what comes before that five minutes and that there would be a large gap between my expectations of something I'd call "a game" and what he was talking about creating. Could it be a bit of fun? Maybe. Some sort of lesson about scope or perhaps about using short goal-oriented sprints to get past motivation issues or to test simple ideas? Perhaps.

The Actual Thing

So, anyway, Andy's been on a bit of a video spree recently. He's started a new vlogging series, which you should check out, and he's been doing a bit of live streaming. A few days ago he did a stream with a five minute dev challenge, so I got a chance to see what was up. Well, pretty much what I thought. The starting point was a template project ready to go and the end result was a moving a block with the mouse and a debug print if that block collided with some other blocks. That's no criticism of Andy as it's pretty brave to try such a thing in front of a live audience. To be honest I was relieved not to be proven wrong. Frankly it would have been awful if he'd whipped up a complete platformer or something in the time.

Harsh, but I told you he was honest.
This morning I noticed that Andy had tweeted that he was going to do another live stream; this time to build Tetris in fifteen minutes. To me this was much more interesting that just "a game" in five minutes. Tetris is a game that we're familiar with. It's not very complicated, but it's not utterly trivial either. I've never implemented it before, but it's something that I'd suggest as a project for someone just starting out with games coding and expect them to take a few days or maybe a week or so to pull something together. I'd imagine that an experienced coder could turn a basic, unpolished but technically solid version around in a day. How quickly could you just hack it together though? Surely not fifteen minutes?

I decided to see what I could do with plain out-of-the-box Monkey and then compare with Andy's run at it. Handily, he put a countdown timer on his stream, which meant that I could kick off at t-15 and see how far I got. Before I started, I quickly thought of what makes up a valid "Tetris" to me:
  • Grid x by y (I couldn't recall the dimensions)
  • All the Tetris shapes in differing colours
  • Random piece generation plus next piece indicator
  • Pieces can be moved left,right,down and can be rotated
  • Shape movement is locked to grid (vertical drop visual increment can be smaller, but left and right are snapped to the grid and blocks can only settle at a snapped position) 
  • Line removal
  • Fail state when a block settles at the top

There are probably some bits missing that Tetris fans would insist on and maybe some parts could be argued as irrelevant to the core design on the other end but I think it's a reasonable starting point. Here's how the fifteen minutes went:

2 minutes: Creating new Jungle IDE project. Laptop is being slow so it takes a while.
4 minutes: Written the main function, app template and an outline Grid and Piece class.
5 minutes: Jungle starts flaking out. Throws error dialogs when trying to autocomplete type definitions.
7 minutes: I decide that Jungle is borked and restart it.
8 minutes: Jungle restarts and informs me there's an update. I decide to take it in case it resolves the instability I just experienced.
12 minutes: I've got the grid render written but untested
14 minutes: Base definitions for five pieces added. Not sure if the structure is good.
15 minutes: I've added left, right and drop movement and the code for instantiating a random piece from the set. and started looking at the collision. Time's up. I haven't even compiled yet.

So much for that. I watch Andy make his attempt. Andy gets something up on screen, which is more than I do. Essentially, he gets a block that follows the mouse. You can drop the block and they will stack. It's very noticeable that he pays very little attention to most of the stuff I listed above. For example, I wrote multiple shapes from the start and grid-based movement while Andy did neither. His focus was entirely on getting something on screen, not on getting Tetris on screen.

Again, this was pretty much what I expected and I'm relieved that he didn't blow me out of the water. Thumbs up from me for even trying it on a live stream. I left the stream not long after (need to preserve the bandwidth down here in NZ) but before I did there were a few suggestions for extra increments and Andy seemed to admit that he hadn't considered elements like row removal in what he had written. Clearly we had come at the problem from entirely different angles. If anything, we saw completely different problems.

I went off and toasted a bagel, made myself a coffee and thought about it a bit more. I was kind of proven right that you can't really write Tetris in fifteen minutes, but how long would it take to complete my list of functional requirements? I could afford a morning to see how far I got, so that's what I did. I got myself a little timer app and started doing micro-iterations. I stopped the timer if I got interrupted or when I got to a stage where it was worth making a note or taking a screen grab. The approach was to meet the functional requirements but to ignore any desires to pretty the code unless it helped me get where I was going faster. Here are my notes:

20 minutes: After umm-ing and ahh-ing over collision for a minute I just hacked in the first thing that came to mind. It won't handle rotation though.

22 minutes: Attempt first compile expecting to see block dropping down the screen. Of course there are compilation errors.

25 minutes: Errors cleared. I have to fix them one at a time thanks to Monkey's "something's wrong, I give up!" attitude to parsing. It runs, but I've got a nice blank screen for my troubles.

28 minutes: I had forgotten to set the update rate, which on HTML5 results in no updates at all. I'd also neglected to consider that the active piece needs to be added to the grid as it moves or be drawn separately. I implemented code to remove and re-add itself as it moves. I don't like it. Still, there's something on screen. As soon as I saw it I realised that I haven't put in detection for hitting the floor. Also, the size is clearly horribly wrong.

Awesome, isn't it?

34 minutes: I now have blocks dropping, colliding, settling and a new block coming in at the top (although it doesn't appear in the right place).

43 minutes: Added left, right and drop movement. Code starting to get hairy with ugly bounds checks and cut and paste. Although the movement works, there's a bug where I get to keep moving old pieces.

56 minutes: I've now got row removal. The code is a mess though. Also fixed the bug from the last iteration, which was caused by me failing to create copies of the base pieces so I was recycling references.

Look, one of each. That's amazing... oh, it's a bug.

58 minutes: Added a fail state. All it does is check if a spawned piece is already colliding. If it is then it prints "Failed" to the console and re-initialises the grid. Not very satisfying and probably different from Tetris proper but it matches the requirement. Rotation next. This will be quite a big chunk, I think.

1h16m: I've got rotation (one way) apparently working. I'm totally unconvinced by the code though. If I wasn't working against a ticking clock and actually intended to build a Tetris for release I'd definitely stop at this point and rethink. I've done it by changing all shape definitions to be 4x4. These are rotated clockwise and then the shape is moved to the top left of the grid again. It's quite inelegant. Also, I've just realised that it doesn't account for collisions on rotation.

1h21m: Just fixed the rotation so that it won't rotate into a colliding position. I also added the two "L" shaped blocks that I missed from the Tetris set. I just need the next piece indicator now as far as features.

1h31m: I've got the next indicator in. It's not pretty and the code to do it is a chuckle-worthy hack for re-using the existing grid code. However, we're now feature complete. Now to do a bit of testing and look at some pictures of actual Tetris to see about grid dimensions and stuff.

Fat and grey. Like creator, like creation, I guess.
1h50m: Right, a bit of research dug out the standard play area size (10x20) and the block colours. Getting the block colours involved picking them off an image from wikipedia. That required me to find my "everywhere eyedropper" tool that I rarely use and then paste all the colours into the code, correct the formatting and write the bit to reference the palette. Hence nearly twenty minutes. Also, I've found a crash bug when you lose, which I shall now have to fix...

1h55m: Fixed the crash bug, and also moved the spawn to the middle. However, I also noticed a bug where pieces weren't colliding properly on the right side. I fixed that and then realised that it now stops you rotating a piece on the right if it goes off the playfield. I'm sure in the original that it simply shifts the piece over in that scenario.

2h04m: Okay, I've added a check to see if the rotated piece is hanging off the right and, if so, it attempts to move it in. The piece still won't rotate if it's blocked by another Tetris piece on the right but I'm less sure if the original does this. As I'm also unsure of the precise row removal rules I'm going to leave it here as "job done".

The Result

I guess it's done... hey, look the next piece is a long one. Do we need multi-line bonuses?
If you want to play it, you can do so here in html5 and here built to flash. The controls are up arrow to rotate, left and right arrows for the obvious and down is a surprise... not really. If you want the code for some insane reason, it's here.

The Opinionated Bit

So, based on that, and assuming that I can at least be considered in the range of "average" as a programmer, the realistic timescale for banging out a recognisable and playable Tetris clone is about two hours. To be honest, considering I stopped the timer if I went to the loo, made a coffee or took a break and played Portal 2 for half an hour and those all allow a bit of subconscious processing I'd put it higher.

If we throw out "realistic" and talk about "possible", what then? If you discard the issues I had with my tools, then 1h45ms. If you discard my fussiness about the colours, playfield size and such then maybe 1h15m. If you're just hugely better than me and/or have written very similar code before then I'm sure you could do it in under an hour, but I think we're getting into an area where the great majority of people who try to do it are going to fail to come close. The only way I can believe you'd do it in 15 minutes is if you're pretty much just typing it from memory and that's not development as far as I'm concerned.

So, two hours for Tetris. Still quite fast, eh? Here's the thing though. While what I've got is "Tetris" it's so far away from being a releasable game that it's unreal. Firstly, the code sucks. Most of it is right on the brink of being more expensive to continue with than to rewrite. Even working on my own I'd be unable to face leaving it as is and there's no way it'd stay that way if the code was shared.

Beyond the technical debt there are still a whole bunch of missing features: there's no score or length of time played to provide achievement; no score-board to record that achievement; no difficulty curve; no music or sound effects; no menu system/options. It looks bloody awful. The movement is okay-ish but needs work. The row deletion mechanism is questionable as a modern Tetris clone and just uninteresting and unsatisfying aesthetically. I've no doubt there are bugs in there. I'd say there was at least another several days of work and tuning to get it even done enough to throw out as a freebie web game (not that I would, the world has enough Tetris clones).

Would I encourage someone to do a game jam or prototype sprint? Sure. I think it's great for people to just try building a game. I do wonder sometimes if the message gets confused between "Just have a go" and "It's easy" though. If you want to try to make a game in five minutes or fifteen minutes or even Tetris in two hours then go for it. Can you do it? Maybe, although you may have to bend the meaning of "making a game" at the short timescales. Will you do it? Probably not. Is it worth doing? Only if you enjoy it and maybe finding out if you enjoy it, even if you fail, is the real thing to take away if you're interested in games development.


  1. Interesting and amusing read, and I like that you actually tried to see how far you can take things.

    I guess that it proves that sensational titles adn headlines result in more viewers. :)

  2. Aw c'mon, I had a grid!!! everything moved in 40x40 grid squares and the block sizes were 40x40...

    And also I was maybe 10 seconds of typing away from having colors but decided to shift priorities :)

  3. And!! you kinda mention it's lame I start with a project open. Nooo! I should show that onscreen next time. It's as easy as "Project>New Project" and all that preamble code is auto generated. Having it already opened maybe saved me a dozen seconds!!

    .. anyway, haha, I'm done defending myself :D

    As for why I did it:

    Petri Purho did a game in "5 minutes" which all of my friends roundly declared as "impossible." (Petri's attempt was brilliant, but staged).

    I was wondering to myself.. IS it possible? Can a game be made in 5 minutes? And by game, I mean, by the bare basic definition of a "game." not a "good game" or a "compelling game," just a set of rules with a win or lose condition. I wondered this question aloud at a game jam, and all my friends roundly declared it as impossible. it COULD NOT be done.

    So I gave it a go. The livestream you present here is the first time (out of 3 attempts in 3 years) that I've been successful, so there's that. :)

    @Frosty saw the 5min stream and attempted to make Tetris in just 10 minutes. That was and impressive feat to attempt. I knew right away that I could NOT do tetris in ten minutes.. so I started wondering how long I could spend to get a recognizable version of it up on screen. Again, not "good" or anything, just the bare minimum. I thought I could probably do it in 15 minutes, and I think if I tried again (now that I failed), I could probaaaably do it? maybe?

    I did FAIL the tetris challenge. I didn't even beat it on my own metrics, and I totally forgot about the line-removal element, hehe.

    But yeah: I guess it's important to discuss the *purpose* of these super rapid jams. Again, they aren't to make a compelling/good game. They aren't supposed to produce anything useable. They are largely a joke, a spectator sport. They are just for entertainment and wonder.. But the subversive purpose?

    To show people what can be done in such a short time. If this is what I can make in 15 minutes, guess what I can do in an hour? in two? in three? How about a full weekend?.... I'd livestream a weekend-long jam but I'm afraid it'd be terribly boring. It's not TV material.

    And yeah, I think this stuff needs to be showcased. I've seen people spend 3 or 4 days on a design doc for a game I could code in a couple of hours.

    These ultra fast jams are a message: GET THE CODE DONE FIRST. Get a demonstrable mechanic ON SCREEN. Play it. Playtest it. SEE IF IT'S FUN.

    If the code is shit, so be it: start from scratch. You've only lost a few hours, and you have the best design doc ever: a working game.

    You sorta mention this at one point in your article, but I'm rambling on about it because I think it's really important and you glossed over it with a "well, sure". :P

    ANOTHER THING: so many times, after I do an x-minute game jam, people turn to me and say "wow, that was great! I'm going to try that!" and then they go off and maybe spend a bit longer but actually *make* something. These are usually people that don't have a single completed project to their name.

    And here's the scary part: Last OrcaJam(.com), we had 9 competitors in the 5 minute game jam. Half of them succeeded (I wasn't one of them), and 2 or 3 of them were such unique amazing blow-me-away mechanics that I am sort of ashamed of myself as a game developer in their presence. It was fantastic. They scrapped the 5 minutes of code (whoopdidoo) an have been working on full versions since.

    Just because my 5 minute results aren't impressive doesn't mean everyone else is in this lame ol' boat of mine :) I hope someone publishes one soon so I can start pointing at it as an example.

    ANYWAY I think my comment is as long as your post now so I'll call it.

  4. I didn't mean for anyone to come away with the impression that what you did was lame, Andy. I'm more making a point that they shouldn't think that they're lame if they hear about super-fast dev and then fail to produce something they think is interesting in that time. Try, but understand that you'll probably fail because it's not easy.

  5. "There's no score or length of time played to provide achievement; no score-board to record that achievement; no difficulty curve; no music or sound effects; no menu system/options". And the worst part of all is that doing these is so much more boring than writing the basic game!

    As for a "game in 5 minutes", maybe one could make a game where it sets puzzles like "What is 13 x 7?" and you click on the correct answer. I think that could be doable in the time.
